Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas Carol Update

Here is what I've completed so far for A Christmas Carol:
The idea is to make garments that the Poultney Theater Group can use from year to year, instead of renting whatever is available from a variety of sources.  One of the theater board members has a great connection, and had plenty of beautiful donated fabrics waiting for such an opportunity. So far I have made; 2 skirts, 2 capes, 2 vests, and 3 jackets......there is still all the hats, and ties and accessories to go, but there is still a few more weeks of work ahead.

Here are some working shots:
 Oh, there's Cassidy, she is sometimes too much with the hands on work. But she's a good assistant, and I like when she keeps me company, and sometimes forces me to take a break!
Well, anyway I was serging the waistband onto the green skirt in the above picture while the cat got involved.

Here is where I am cutting bias strips to make trim for the skirt.

And here I am stitching the bias cut trim to the skirt. I used my bias tape maker to iron the strip into shape (I love that tool- and I use it all the time). 

Here is where I pinned the lining to the vest front getting it ready for stitching.
This is the handsome vest that resulted. I love plaid fabric, and have only worked with it a few times in the past. The challenge of getting everything to line up correctly is sometimes very frustrating. 
When everything is completed I'll have to get some photos of the individuals, and the details.

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